All of our covenant members are viewed as ministers to our church and community; however, there are certain tasks that fall on the shoulders of our pastors and staff.

Orlando Cordero

Lead Pastor

Orlando Cordero is a husband, father to two, and Radiant Church’s lead pastor. He grew up in Western Massachusetts with his loving Puerto Rican family and attended church regularly, but it wasn’t until young adulthood that Orlando would understand what—and who—Christianity was really about.

E: ocordero@radiantchurchtowson.com

An unfortunate natural disaster changed the trajectory of Orlando’s life. On his first day as an intern for the governor’s office, a tornado ripped through surrounding communities, causing destruction and leaving its residents facing unexpected hardship. 

The shared weight of the community’s suffering left Orlando and his fellow interns looking for answers from God. That’s when they started a Bible study, and Orlando saw how Jesus looked at the suffering with compassion (Matthew 9). He knew Jesus is who He said He is, and that he wanted a relationship with Christ. 

Shortly after becoming a believer, Orlando helped pioneer a discipleship initiative for young adults and co-founded a local relief organization in Massachusetts. Orlando appreciates the role of local churches in their communities beyond just a place to worship on Sundays, which is his vision for Radiant Church.

Living by Matthew 11:28-30, Orlando finds rest in Jesus and wants all who seek Him to find the fullness of life. He also helped plant and lead a church in Baltimore before planting Radiant Church. 


  • University of Massachusetts Amherst: BS in Biology, International Relations, and Natural Resource Management. MS in Public Policy and Business Administration

  • Capital Seminary: Christian Ministry & Church Planting

  • SEBTS: Certificate in Christian Ministry

Meet the Corderos

Orlando is married to Tiffany, a teacher and stay-at-home mom to their two children, Lucas and Lydia. The Corderos were part of the planting team for Redemption City Church in Baltimore and love meeting greater Baltimore’s diverse people. 

Join Orlando and his family at our Sunday gatherings where we worship together. Want some one-on-one time? He’s always down for meeting new people in local spots around Towson.

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